Are you Ready to Become Your Ideal Self?

Ideals direct and guide us. What you create with your mind, your spirit follows and manifests in your reality.

Download the free worksheet here!

We are all in the process of becoming something- but how often do we question whether we are becoming our ideal self or merely scraping by barely giving anything of ourselves to the people around us and to ourselves! The following exercise is designed to help you focus and move towards becoming your ideal self.

It may help you to think about some of the people you love and admire the most in your life, and think about what attributes they have that you too can begin to develop in yourself.

To watch the Youtube for this exercise click ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

Whether or not you are in a relationship or are single, or whether you are a parent or do not have kids yet, these are still very important exercises to go through, because one day when you find yourself in the situation- you will have a roadmap, you will have a written record of the ideal version of yourself that you can work towards becoming.

While we may be born in with certain characteristics and temperaments, there is nothing stopping us from developing new ways of being both for ourselves as well as in relation to others in our lives. In fact, isn’t the whole point of being here, to learn and grow and thrive? Taking the time to be self reflective, to question what kind of an impact we wish to have on those around us, and what we want to be known for will lay the groundwork for working towards those ideals. This exercise will help us be mindful and intentional about who we are in the process of becoming.

The Exercise: We play a vital role in the lives of many people- so take some time and direct your intention on how and in what ways you could be your ideal self, for each of the specific relationships listed on the worksheet. Focus on both qualities and actions to demonstrate those qualities.